TAKATAYA Kachi and Petr Ricord in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
On pedestal, famous Matsumae governor's (Bugyo) words are described in Japanese and Russian: “Each nation has its peculiar customs, but good conduct will every where be esteemed as such.” Sumoto-city where the museum is situated and Kronstadt city has signed twin city treaty in 2001. Kronstadt also has this replica monument.

A Folding Screen of Genji Tale Chapter 12: Suma
yr. ca. Edo period
Tokushima lordship Hachisuka family who ruled over Awa (now Tokusima pref.) and Awaji island got married relationship with Takatsukasa family, one of branches of imperial family in 1730, and then, became a collector of the work of classical art objects such as "Genji tale" and "Ise tale". This folding screen which is one of the remains of TAKATAYA Kachi is not well understood how he got it, but it is thought that it is related to this lord.

Oranda Sinyaku Chikyu Zenzu(喎蘭新訳地球全図)
yr. 1796
One of the world maps which were made in Japan and published in 1796, based on a map made in Europe. The author was HASHIMOTO Sohkichi, Rangaku scholar. The map has the following characters: 1) the California Peninsula is drawn as a long narrow island, 2) the west coast line of the Australian continent is unknown, and it is considered a world map from the latter half of the 17th century to the early 18th century. It is a big feature that the geographical descriptions relied on Japanese and Chinese literatures are arranged around the world map.

The wakizashi was worn together with the katana (long Japanese sabre). It was the official sign that the wearer was a samurai or swordsman.Tokugawa shogunate maintained a strong centralized feudal structure by enforcing status distinctions between samurai, merchants, artisans, and peasants.To wear a sword was special rights for samurai class only. But in 1801, Takataya Kachi was allowed special right to bear a surname and to wear a sword, due to his many social contributions. We call it "Myōji Ta-ito(名字帯刀)". Takataya Kachi was a mere merchant. But this Myōji Ta-ito means he received the same treatment as samurai class.The swords have had some spiritual siginificance for the Japanese.Regarding Japanese sabre and Kachi, there is a famous episode.In his captivity days in Kamchatka,Kachi gave his sabre to Russian emperor as a gift, through American merchant Dobell who visited St. Petersburg. Hermitage museum is said to have this sabre, and the descendants of Golovnin and Ricord, who live in Petersburg are still searching it.